A team training program that promotes goal-setting, communication, synergy, action and, more significantly, results!
Results-Centred Teamwork (RCT) works as a stand-alone program or the natural follow-up step to the best-selling Results-Centred Leadership
RCT supports personal growth and development, and team development, through developing a new working style, one that is more mature, focused and cooperative to achieve more and be more. Through this process team members will:
- Work more closely (interdependently) with team members
- Be clearer about roles, responsibilities and expectations
- Ensure that the team is results-centred
- Communicate regularly and in an appropriate manner
- Learn how to identify, analyze, and solve problems
- Be open to coaching and supporting others
- Deal effectively with people issues

Major Benefits to the Individual:
- Improved productivity and results
- Improved customer/client service
- Enhanced teamwork and co-operation
- Motivated and dedicated people
- People embracing responsibility and being accountable "without prompting"
- Conflict resolution and consensus building
Major Benefits to the Organization:
- Feeling more in control of time
- Reduced stress
- Improved goal-setting
- Enhanced self-image
- The confidence to lead people
- Improved listening skills
The Format and Features:
- Provides step-by-step practice and exercises to reinforce key concepts
- Written and recorded materials — for easier learning and retention
- Based on practical experiences for today's business environment
- Provides for both business and personal applications — providing the opportunity for a more balanced life