Purpose of Coaching
Coaching is an important leadership tool. It supports the initiatives of an organization and provides a critical network for communication, development and performance measurement. The purpose is to help each person being coached to grow and develop and to be more successful. It provides help to identify and support changes in behaviour. Conducted studies provide evidence that incorporating a coaching style of leadership has a direct effect on the bottom-line, up to 6:1 ROI
Value of Coaching for the individual
The benefits that each individual will receive will be unique to that person. However in basic terms, through changing behaviour, people will often achieve some or all of the following:
- Improved measurable results as they define them
- Identification of areas to be addressed
- A different perspective on what needs to happen
- Increased productivity
- Stronger more trusting relationships
- Greater self-confidence
- Greater respect from others
- Candidly share experiences and overcome obstacles
Coaching Requirements
For coaching to be successful it requires that the person being coached is:
- Aware of the on-going need to change (If not a 360° feedback report might be of value)
- Open and receptive to change (As the coaching relationship develops the individual will be made aware of other aspects that perhaps need to change.)
- Aware of behaviour traits (if not a personality and learning style profile may be of value)
- Willing to share the change(s) to be made
- Supported internally
- Comfortable with the person doing the coaching
- Challenged by the coach to move out of their comfort zone
- Kept accountable for results - through discussion and actual achievement of SMART goals
Individual's Role and Responsibilities are to:
- Determine what are the issues, concerns or needs
- Define the goals with clear expected results
- Clarify the obstacles getting in the way of success
- Develop a set of action steps that support the process
- Work on the process and track results
- Evaluate the results, celebrate and make any necessary adjustments
- Share fully with the coach - discuss how they are feeling
Coach's Role and Responsibilities are to:
- Provide an environment in which the individual can be open and honest i.e. to provide the opportunity to be able to allow the individual to candidly share experience and learn in the process
- Elicit Commitment
- Provide Support
- Offer Guidance - and challenge activity or thought processes when necessary
- Ensure Accountability
- Help people to acquire new behaviour patterns - helping people with the things that often cause them to struggle
- Defining success
- Listen effectively
- Celebrate successes
- Help people understand how to set and achieve SMART goals