Our leadership-based programs are designed to get improved measurable results. For this to happen people have to change, to do things differently.
Changing behaviour does not happen overnight and requires a clear understanding of not only what needs to change but also the knowledge of the process and skills that will support and initiate the change process. The first step in changing behaviour is for people to be aware of the need to change. This awareness has to be supported by a strong enough WHY or benefit, that people will choose to start the change process. Any change needs to be supported through effective coaching to facilitate the process and to ensure change continues and does not fall into relapse.
Our programs combine:
- The power of goal-setting to set a clear direction
- Enhanced People Skills to utilize people's abilities to be more productive, this includes both hard and soft skills
- Motivation that provides a level of commitment, involvement, responsibility and enthusiasm that ensures enhanced results
When all three of these areas are developed and clearly incorporated into a person's behaviour, productivity will improve and results will be achieved. If however one of these areas is weak, no matter how strong the other two are, results will be less than desired. E.g. if a person is motivated and has strong skill-sets but has no direction there will not be as effective; or if a person has direction, and the skill-sets but is not motivated again results will be diminished. This is true for everything a person is trying to achieve whether it is becoming a good leader, a better coachee, more responsible or improving their energy.
Improved measurable results are provided through the following techniques:
- Paced-learning (provides behavioural change for sustainable measurable results)
- Spaced repetition (ideas are introduced and reintroduced throughout the program over several weeks/months)
- Goal-setting
- Multiple learning methods (written exercises, audio, case studies, discussion, experiential experiences)
- Learning and doing in real time
- Bridges the gap between knowing what to do and doing it
- Win:Win Agreements - commitment and accountability
- Building trust
- Supports life-balance for the individuals
- Built-in process for achieving results
- Promotes personal responsibility